Nicosia, 2-5 October — Geosystems Hellas, a key participant, joined the Summer School organized as part of the RESEARCH project. The event focused on innovative geospatial research, shedding light on the cutting-edge developments in the field.

Archaeological Insights with SAR Data: The Summer School featured the introduction of the “Land Movement Processing Chain using SAR Data,” emphasizing the role of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in archaeological research and its potential in understanding historical heritage.

Introducing the RESEARCH Platform: Geosystems Hellas also unveiled the RESEARCH platform, a user-friendly tool designed to streamline geospatial data manipulation, promising to enhance research and analysis in the geospatial domain.
As Geosystems Hellas actively participated in this event, the “RESEARCH PROJECT” continues to drive the future of geospatial research.