Celebrate the culmination of our research journey as we proudly conclude our participation in the Research Project. The final conference, held in the captivating city of Rome, Italy on October 17th, was a showcase of innovation:

Our conference shed light on the power of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data in archaeological research. We delved into the ways SAR data unveils historical heritage, peeling back layers of time and enhancing our understanding of the past.
At the heart of our conference was the unveiling of the RESEARCH platform. This user-friendly tool promises to revolutionize geospatial data manipulation, simplifying the research process and promising to elevate research and analysis within the geospatial domain.
This final conference marked a significant milestone in our mission to advance geospatial research and archaeological exploration. We invite you to discover these remarkable developments and be part of a future where innovation knows no bounds.
Stay tuned for more GSH news.