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DRIC Defkalion Online Workshops of WG2 on “Earth Observation, GIS Applications and Spatial Analysis”

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Invitation for online workshops of DRIC Defkalion on Earth Observation, GIS applications and Spatial Analysis.


The Disaster Resilience Innovation Cluster (DRIC Defkalion) invites you in a series of online workshops in the context of the field “Earth Observation, GIS Applications and Spatial Analysis” from 16th of February 2022 and every Wednesday until 16th of March 2022, starting at 16:00

The goal of the workshops is to inform on innovative technologies and solutions for the assessment, prevention and mitigation of environmental hazards. 7 out of 40 members of the cluster with specialization on environmental resilience will present existing solutions aimed at strengthening efforts to effectively manage and deal with natural disasters, environmental crises and civil protection emergencies, to minimize and repair damage, and to contribute to the protection of the environment and the achievement of long-term sustainability.

Leader partner of the Working Group 2 for the first period (09/21-02/22) is Geosystems Hellas. The 7 workshops of the Working Group will cover the following topics.



  1. «Multiple risk analysis using new technologies and Earth Observation data. Example of application in fuel mapping» from ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ Environmental Consultants
  2. «The impact of climate change on coastal vulnerability to dormancy and erosion – Presentation of monitoring and mapping methods using land observation data» from Consortis
  3. «Modern geospatial technologies in the management of forest fires» from Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing, AUth
  4. «Over time evolution of natural disasters and impact assessment using satellite technologies» from Epsilon Malta
  5. «Long-term monitoring of coastline change – problems in coastal settlements and ports» from Geosystems Hellas
  6. «Multimodal fusion of EO and non-EO data for Big Data analytics» from Information Technologies Institute, CERTH
  7. «Monitoring and programming system for the collection of very high-resolution satellite images for the prevention-response-remediation of environmental hazards» from TotalView


Sign in from the official page of DRIC Defkalion. Once we receive your registration, we will send you further instructions about your participation..



No Workshop Title DRIC Defkalion Member
Date & Time (CEST)
1 Multiple risk analysis using new technologies and Earth Observation data. Example of application in fuel mapping


ΟΜΙΚΡΟΝ Environmental Consultants



16.45-17.00 (Q&A)

2 Τhe impact of climate change on coastal vulnerability to dormancy and erosion – Presentation of monitoring and mapping methods using land observation data Consortis 23/02/2022

16.45-17.00 (Q&A)

3 Modern geospatial technologies in the management of forest fires Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing, AUth 23/02/2022

17.45-18.00 (Q&A)

4 Over time evolution of natural disasters and impact assessment using satellite technologies Epsilon Malta 02/03/2022

16.45-17.00 (Q&A)

5 Long-term monitoring of coastline change – problems in coastal settlements and ports GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS 09/03/2022

16.45-17.00 (Q&A)

6 Multimodal fusion of EO and non-EO data for Big Data analytics Information Technologies Institute, CERTH

17.45-18.00 (Q&A)

7 Monitoring and programming system for the collection of very high-resolution satellite images for the prevention-response-remediation of environmental hazards TotalView 16/03/2022

16.45-17.00 (Q&A)

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