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President & CEO

Vasiliki (Betty) Charalampopoulou

Vasiliki (Betty) Charalampopoulou is GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS S.A. [GSH] President & CEO and a shareholder. [Betty is a geologist, with a specialization on remote sensing, photogrammetry and GIS applications.

In 1992, she graduated from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and since then, she has been working on research projects in the area of photogrammetry, remote sensing, earth observation and geoinformatics (GIS and WebGIS). She is actively enrolled in projects by Horizon Europe, H2020, ESA, GSRT and bi-National and in several commercial ones with a dynamic participation to the downstream space sector. Have several collaborations with national and international universities, local governments and industries.

As CEO and President, she has established methodologies and formulated strategies, gaining many distributions and collaborations. In 2012, she established the company’s R & D division and had Successful R & D projects under her supervision, with transferability to many industries and countries. She is also responsible for the distribution of roles and responsibilities in the company. She has also established several international collaborations, being involved in working groups of EARSC, GEO, FIG, UNESCO, OGC, ESA, NASA, ISA etc.

Betty is an elected Director of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), EARSC representative in the GEO Post-2025 Working Group, is also elected in the board of the Hellenic Association Space Industry (HASI) and the board of the si-cluster in which acts as Technical Director for SPACE 4.0. Betty is the ELOT “Expert – Greece” at the ISO TC20 /SC14 /WG 8 Downstream standardization for Space Services & Space-based Applications Group.

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