The 5dMeteora project aims at the documentation and digitization of a part of the Archeological Site of Meteora. Particularly, the main study area consists of two inaccessible rocks: the rock of St. Modestos (‘Modi’) and the rock of the Chain of Apostle Peter (‘Alyssos’). At the top of both rocks, there are ruins of old Monasteries. Within this project, the Monastery of the St. Modestos is being digitally reconstructed; it is visualized both via the visualization system of the platform and through the Augmented Reality app. The choice of these two rocks lies in the existence of important findings, in the unexplored – until today – establishment and evolution of their monastic community as well as in the special topography and geological morphology. Apart from Modi and Alyssos, the study area includes the majority of monuments in the Holy Site of Meteora, including the six active Monasteries, the Pyxari rock, as well as some hermitages and other cultural heritage sites in the wider area.