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European cities face major social challenges due to global geopolitical, economic, climate, and other changes; this puts urban areas under a lot of stress to provide environments that support Public Health (PH) and well-being (WB). The conventional approach to urban and revitalization planning is based mostly on profit criteria with routine methodologies, often lacking advanced integrated methods and concepts with emphasis on PH, WB, cultural, economic, and societal aspects. Hence, the needs of local communities are not recognized or neglected and cities end up with costly investments that are not embraced by local communities and therefore lack sustainability. To address these challenges, euPOLIS NBS-based Urban Planning methodologies enriched with cultural and societal aspects offer the synergy of a people-centered approach with significant environmental and economic benefits of Blue Green Solutions.

Geosystems Hellas (GSH) is in charge of several various technical tasks under EuPOLIS, either as a Work Package leader or as a supportive partner of one of the four Front-Runner Cities, Piraeus in Greece. In the frame of euPOLIS, GSH has developed the «EuPOLIS visualization platform», which provides an innovative solution for monitoring the spatiotemporal impact of NBS on the urban environment and the well-being of the citizens. The platform facilitates the capability of users to explore, comprehend, and evaluate the optimized euPOLIS solutions in a spatiotemporal manner, with 2D and 3D views of the city environment, enriched with temporal data provided by the system, offering a dynamic interface that is adaptable to the user’s requirements and processes the ability to display a range of information, including measurements for weather conditions and air pollution stations, advanced analytical, numerical, and time-based data. In addition, GSH as a Task responsible leader assists and guides the NBS interventions monitoring during the project’s lifetime. This challenging task requires determination and continuous communication with municipalities, aiming to ensure the deployment of the interventions in each demonstration site.

The EuPOLIS project has received funding from the [European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme] [Euratom Research and Training Programme 2014-2018], under grant agreement No 869448


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