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The aim of the project Development of a Utilities Management Platform for the case of Quarantine and Lockdown – eUMaP is to implement multi-disciplinary activities that will lead to the development of an open platform through which local authorities will be able to plan and manage the demand and supply of building utilities in case of a quarantine or a lock down, including energy, water, waste and telecommunication networks. The platform will be developed through a Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) program. eUMaP platform will be based on the rational of earth observation, and the recording of the required network information in open BIM platforms of five European capital cities (Rome, Nicosia, Tessaloniki, Kaunas). The platform will be piloted in study areas with the aim of optimizing it and delivering it as an open platform upon completion of the program.
GeoSystems Hellas (GSH) has a leading responsibility in tasks related to the spatial planning of city service utilities networks. More specifically, GSH will undertake several activities to explore existing 3D raw and ready Earth Observation data, based on the need of utilities sufficiency vs demographic changes and utilities need during crisis “super-use”. Furthermore, the possibilities for studying and developing sophisticated methodologies for improvement of the existing tools for 3D city reconstruction and visualization will be thoroughly explored. Additionally, GIS tools will be developed for the geographic identification of “Hot spots” on energy, water, telecommunication and waste systems, better suited to enable responsible bodies to act in response of a crisis. Finally, GSH will design a GIS multidiscipline integrated support system for a spatial planning service supporting sustainable utilities networks.
This project is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 – Marie Skłodowska Curie – Rise 2020 under Grant Agreement: 101007641.
