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The combination of climate change, the need to transition to green development methods, and the rapid advancements in space technology for earth observation using modern Machine Learning techniques are driving the development of innovative applications in organic waste utilization and the circular economy. The CompOlive project, operating within the framework of RIS3Crete and the Operational Program “Crete” 2014-2020, aims to develop an innovative approach to produce soil conditioner by composting agricultural residues from olive production in the Crete region. As part of the project, a specialized online information platform has been developed, featuring an interactive map that enables the public to utilize advanced earth observation methods to estimate the available biomass of their olive groves and request the On-field shredding and composting service.

GSH is involved in WP1 “Assessment of Availability of Agricultural Residues” and WP3 “Development of the Digital Platform.” In WP1, GSH contributed to the project through the following tasks: 1) Identifying and documenting the pilot study area for field sampling, 2) Developing a WebGIS prototype application for the pilot study area, and 3) Creating an olive tree biomass estimation algorithm using satellite data and machine learning techniques. In WP3, GSH participated in: 1) Developing the website to host the CompOlive project and the corresponding WebGIS, 2) Designing a booking and payment registration system for the WebGIS online platform, and 3) Establishing an information management system for reservations.

This Research has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program“Crete” 2014-2020, EYD OP Region of Crete, Research and Development by SMEs in sectors of RIS3Crete, with project code: KPHP3-0028773


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2024 by  blacknwhite
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