The ARTEMIS project aims at creating a multi-parameter service for the processing and diffusion of satellite and other data on an online platform related to the quality, health and sustainable development of economic forests and specific chestnut forests. As a region of interest, we place the forests of Thessaly and specifically the area of the Municipality of Mouzaki. The forests of the Mediterranean chestnut have been “degraded” in Thessaly, although it is a lucrative crop. Unfortunately, the long-term lack of planning for alternative crops and the lack of policies to support the mountain populations that forced young people to move to urban centers have led to brown cultivation in Thessaly and especially the forests of Mouzaki, almost in a state of abandonment. The development of practices and algorithms that will certify health and provide continuous monitoring will help increase primary production, but at the same time will ensure the preservation of biodiversity and therefore quality production. The project will address mainly the existing threats to forest health in specific areas, which are mainly caused by biotic factors (insects, diseases, etc.), resulting in their degradation and often the mortality of forest species and its destruction of production.