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  • Christos Kontopoulos, Efthymios Magkoufis, Anna Papadima, Despoina Skoulidou, Athanasia Kazantzi, Sebastian Hafner, “A novel web-based decision support tool for enhancing urban resilience and sustainability,” Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127860X (21 September 2023);
  • Christos Kontopoulos, Kostas Vrakopoulos, Alessandra Manzini, Dimosthenis Ioannidis, Nikos Katsaros, Stavros Koltsios, Nikos Mpouzianas, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou, “Design and implementation of a novel open-source web-GIS application for a harmonized EPC documentation across Europe,” Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127860G (21 September 2023);
  • Konstantinos Stavrakakis, David Pacios, Napoleon Papoutsakis, Nikolaos Schetakis, Paolo Bonfini, Thomas Papakosmas, Betty Charalampopoulou, José Luis Vázquez-Poletti, Alessio Di Iorio, “EYE-Sense: empowering remote sensing with machine learning for socio-economic analysis,” Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127860D (21 September 2023);
  • Marinou, E., Magkoufis, E., Kontopoulos, C., Charalampopoulou, B. (Ed.). (2023). Cluster of Interoperable and Holistic Civil Protection Systems (CO-PROTECT): The Role of Geospatial Data Management and Visualization for Enhancing Greece’s Response to Natural Disasters. Proceedings of the TIEMS 2023 Hybrid Annual Conference.
  • Marinou, K. Fotiou, G. Voskopoulos, E. Protopapadakis, E. Sardis, S. Baki, P. Gallos, C. Panagopoulos, E. Katsorida, “A web-based application for the spatiotemporal monitoring of the impact of nature-based solutions on the urban environment and the well-being of citizens: the euPOLIS visualization platform,” Proc. SPIE 12786, Ninth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2023), 127860Y (21 September 2023);
  • Efthymios Magkoufis, Stavros Chlorokostas, Lydia Valdesera, Aggeliki Kyriou, and Konstantinos Nikolakopoulos “A web GIS platform for critical infrastructure monitoring within “PROION” project”, Proc. SPIE 12734, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XIV, 1273415 (19 October 2023);
  • C. Kontopoulos, V. Charalampopoulou, K. Fotiou, K. Sporn, S. Biernath. LiDAR and RGB airborne orthophotos coverage and visualization and automatic recognition of archeological findings in Kephissos /Phokis and Aigeria 4th CAA-GR 2020, 21-22 Oct 2021
  • Stavros Koltsios, Apostolos C. Tsolakis, Paris Fokaides, Angeliki Katsifaraki, Gerfried Cebrat, Andrius Jurelionis, Christos Kontopoulos, Panagiota Chatzipanagiotidou, Christos Malavazos, Dimosthenis Ioannidis, and Dimitrios Tzovaras. 2021 D 2EPC: Next Generation Digital and Dynamic Energy Performance Certificates. Sixth International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, 8-11 September, 2021
  • Pataki Z., Patera A., Kontopoulos C., Karantellis E.., Pataki Z.,  Kitsiou D.,  Nitis T.,  Kostopoulou M.,  Grammalidis N.,  Tzepkenlis A., Charalampopoulou B.  2021 Average seasonal soil erosion and sediment deposition in the Aliakmon and Axios river catchments using the RUSLE model. 17th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 1-4 September, Athens, Greece
  • Kontopoulos, B. Charalambopoulou, N. Grammalidis, A. Tzepkenlis, Z. Pataki, A. Patera, S. Karadanellis, D. Kitsiou and T. Nitis. 2021. Assessment of coastline change in the deltas of Aliakmonas and Axios rivers using automated workflows on multispectral timeseries imagery., Eighth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2021) and SECOTOX Conference, 20-24 July, 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Karantanellis, Z. Pataki, A. Patera, C. Kontopoulos, D. Kitsiou, T. Nitis, M. Kostopoulou, N. Grammalidis, A. Tzepkenlis and B. Charalambopoulou2021. Application of the SWAT model in the Aliakmonas and Axios river catchments for assessing soil erosion, Eighth International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2021) and SECOTOX Conference, 20-24 July, 2021, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • Katja Sporn, Petros Kounouklas, Dr Eric Laufer, Stefan Biernath, Christos Kontopoulos, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou. 2021 LiDAR and RGB airborne orthophotos coverage for the visualization and automatic recognition of archeological findings in Kephisos / Phokis. CAA 2021 “Digital Crossroads”
  • Bernard Valentin, Leslie Gale, Hakim Boulahya, Betty Charalampopoulou, Christos Kontopoulos, Dimitris Poursanidis, Nektarios Chrysoulakis, Vaclav Svaton, Georg Zitzlsberger, Michal Podhoranyi, Dusan Kolar, Vladimır Vesely, Ondrej Lichtner, Michal Koutensky, Dominika Regeciova, Matus Mucka. 2021 BLENDED – USING BLOCKCHAIN AND DEEP LEARNING FOR SPACE DATA PROCESSING, Proceedings of the 2021 conference on Big Data from Space doi:10.2760/125905
  • Kontopoulos, C., Grammalidis, N., Kitsiou, D., Charalampopoulou, V., Tzepkenlis, A., Patera, A., Pataki, Z., Li, Z., Li, P., Guangxue, L., Lulu, Q., and Dong, D.: An integrated decision support system using satellite and in-situ data for coastal area hazard mitigation and resilience to natural disasters, EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-14674,, 2021.
  • Αλεξάνδρα Κώστα, Δήμητρα Κίτσιου, Nίκος Γραμμαλίδης, Χρήστος Κοντόπουλος, Παναγιώτης Σμυρλής, Zhenhong Li, Peng Li, Βασιλική Χαραλαμποπούλου , Li Guangxue, Qiao Lulu, Ding Dong. 2020. Έξυπνο διεπιστημονικό σύστημα υποστήριξης της παρακολούθησης παράκτιας ζώνης με μεικτή υποδομή: αστική – βιομηχανική – κρίσιμες υποδομές, με χρήση διαλειτουργικών τεχνολογιών (EPIPELAGIC), 11o Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο HellasGIS
  • Vasiliki Charalampopoulou. NBS, Air Quality, Urban Health and Thermal Comfort vs. IoT, Sensors and 5G, the case of H2020 projects: euPOLIS and D^2EPC. INFOCOM WORLD CONFERENCE 2020, Virtual Event.
  • Vasiliki Charalampopoulou, Christos KontopoulosAlexandra Kosta. 2020. euPOLIS – Intergrated NBS-Based Urban Planning Methodology for Enhancing the Health and Well-Being of Citizens. ESA EO Φ-week, Virtual Event
  • Christos Kontopoulos, María Angeles Barral, Alba Ruiz, María-José Prados, Sofia Fidani, Georgios Tsakoumis, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou. Planning and engagement arenas for renewable energy landscapes, Paros island example. RSCY2020, 8th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, Pathos, Cyprus​.
  • Matteo Serpetti, Renzo Carlucci, Alessio Di Iorio, Francesca Bozzano, Benedetta Antonielli, Salvatore Martino, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou, Christos Kontopoulos, Paris Fokaides, Nikos Papadopoulos, Haris Saroglou, Stefano De Angeli. 2020. Stable: STructural stABiLity risk assEssment. RSCY2020, 8th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, Pathos, Cyprus​.
  • Alexandra KostaIoannis Paraskevopoulos, Athos Agapiou, Fabiana Battistin, Matteo Serpetti, Filip Waldoch, Włodzimierz Rączkowski, Alessio Di Iorio, Stefano De Angeli, Diofantos Hadjimitsis. 2020. Remote sensing techniques for archaeology. A state of art analysis of sar methods for land movement. RSCY2020, 8th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, Pathos, Cyprus​
  • Γραμμαλίδης Νικόλαος, Καταγής Θωμάς, Παπαϊωάννου Περικλής, Φωτίου ΚατερίναΠαρασκευόπουλος ΓιάννηςΚοντόπουλος Χρήστος, Γήτας Ζ. Ιωάννης, Χαραλαμποπούλου Βασιλική. Ανάπτυξη αυτοματοποιημένων ροών επεξεργασίας και ανάλυσης τηλεπισκοπικών και γεωχωρικών δεδομένων για την παρακολούθηση φυσικών οικοσυστημάτων. 2019. 3ο Συνέδριο Γεωγραφικών Πληροφοριακών Συστημάτων και Χωρικής Ανάλυσης στη Γεωργία και Στο Περιβάλλον, Αθήνα
  • Charalampopoulou, B. Innovation from Small Medium and Micro Enterprises – GEO Data Technology Workshop-25.04.2019, Vienna, Austria, title : eoMALL trend for an SME, The case of the, “5D Multi-Purpose LIS”
  • Christos Kontopoulos, Vasiliki, Charalampopoulou, Charalampos Saroglou, Constantinos Spirakos and  Charilaos Maniatakis. The Geohazard supersites initiative  with emphasis on the Greek supersite (Enceladus). 15th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece – GSG2019.
  • Vasiliki, Charalampopoulou, HXG -1 HXGN LIVE 2019, Hexagon Geospatial technology to shape smart change, Meteora Project
  • Kontopoulos, C., Maltezos, E.,Soile, S., Ioannidis, C. 2019. Contemporary Techniques for the Documentation of Complex Archaeological Landscapes: The Case Of Meteora, Greece. European Space Agency – ESA Φ-week, Frascati, Rome, Italy.
  • Maltezos, E.,Grammalidis, N., Katagis, T., Gitas, I., Charalampopoulou, B. Automated Workflows For Forest Monitoring Using Multispectral Optical and SAR Data. European Space Agency – ESA Φ-week, Frascati, Rome, Italy.
  • Maltezos, E.​, Charalampopoulou, V., Aerial Coverage of the Area of the Sanctuary of Zeus at Mt. Lykaion through ALS/LIDAR and High Resolution Imagery. European Space Agency (ESA), Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy, 13-17 May.
  • Maltezos Evangelos, Grammalidis Nikolaos, Katagis Thomas, Gitas Ioannis Z., Charalampopoulou Vasiliki,. Development of automated workflows (spatial models) for forest monitoring with the use of time-series of multispectral optical and SAR data. RSCY2019, 7th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, Pathos, Cyprus​.
  • Kontopoulos Christos, Elias Georgiou, Chalakatevaki Maria, Soile Sofia, Ioannidis Charalabos, 2019. Development and implementation of contemporary techniques and procedures for multiple documentation of complex religious monuments: the case of the meteora (greece). RSCY2019, 7th International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment, Pathos, Cyprus​.
  • Thomas Katagis, Nikolaos Grammalidis, Evangelos Maltezos, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou, Ioannis Z. Gitas. 2018. Development of methodologies and standardized services for supporting forest economics. Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) book series, Vol. 846.
  • EGU 2018, “Copernicus Sentinels for Urban Planning in Russia: First results from the SEN4RUS Project” Nektarios Chrysoulakis (1), Thomas Esch (2), Anna Sazanova (3), Guy Feishman (4), Mahmut Cavur (5), Christian Feigenwinter (6), Vassiliki Charalampopoulou (7), Zina Mitraka (1), Sebnem Dusgun (5), and Eberhard Parlow (6), (1) Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas, Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, Greece (, (2) German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany, (3) GRAD-Inform Ltd., Russia, (4)GARD Ltd., Israel, (5) Kuzgun Bilisim Ltd., Turkey, (6) University of Basel, Switzerland, (7) GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS S.A, Greece
  • “Validation of Pleiades tri-stereo DSM in urban areas”, Manolis Panagiotakis1, Nektarios Chrysoulakis1, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou2 and Dimitris Poursanidis11    Foundation for Research and Technology, Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Greece,, 2 Geosystems Hellas S.A. Athens, Greece
  • RSCy2018, “SEN4RUS, Sentinels Copernicus Sentinels for Urban Planning in Russia: Sentinel 1, 2 & 3 use and processes understanding“,  Christos Kontopoulos1, Evangelos Maltezos1, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou1 , Nektarios Chrysoulakis2, Zina Mitraka2, M. Marconcini3, T. Esch3, A. Sazonova4, A. Tald5, S. Dusgun5, C. Feigenwinter6, E. Parlow7, M. Cavurhan8  (Geosystems Hellas SA, Greece1 Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH)), Greece2, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany3, GRAD—Inform Ltd Russia4, GARD Ltd Israel5, Middle East Technical University ,Turkey6, University of Basel, Switzerland7 & Kuzgun Bilisim Ltd., Turkey8)
  • RSCy2018, “Rapid and operational estimation of post-fire burned areas using Sentinel 2 data: The case studies of Kythira and Saronida”, Christos Kontopoulos, Evangelos Maltezos, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou.
  • RSCy2018, “Airborne LIDAR and RGB imagery remote sensing techniques for Smart/Safe Industrial Cities Monitor and Management”. Evangelos Maltezos *, Elias Georgiou *, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou*, Eleni Goula**, George Diamantidis**, Athanasios Syriotis**, Dimitra Preka ** (Geosystems Hellas SA * & ETVA VIPE**)
  • 1st conference of the Remote Sensing and Space Applications Committee of the Geological Society of Greece., 2018: Landslide mapping using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data, MALTEZOS EVANGELOS, Surveyor & Civil Engineer, Geosystems Hellas S.A., PhD candidate at NTUA, VASILIKI (BETTY) CHARALAMPOPOULOU, CEO at Geosystems Hellas S.A.,
  • Airborne LIDAR remote sensing techniques for monitor 3D industrial cities (
  • Investigation of methods for identifying and monitoring eutrophication in Mediterranean ecosystems using satellite data, V.Charalampopoulou, M.Karamihalaki, A.Chatziantoniou, K.Apostolopoulos,  5th Surveying Engineering Symposium, Athens 14, 15 October 2017
  • Landslide mapping using Sentinel 1 and 2 data and applying change detection techniques: The case of open mine of Amyntaio, Greece, E.Maltezos, V.Charalampopoulou,   5th Surveying Engineering Symposium, Athens 14, 15 October 2017
  • Exploitation of airborne LIDAR data for 3D reconstruction of complex scene areas, V.Charalampopoulou,  Elias.Georgiou, E.Maltezos, Timos Mpounias Spyros Santrivanopoulos 5th Surveying Engineering Symposium, Athens 14, 15 October 2017
  • Landslide Detection using Sentinels monitoring the June 2017 disaster event in Amyntaio mine (
  • Automated Change Detection of Urban Objects and Development of a Web Application”, V. Charalampopoulou,
  • RAMON 2017, Workshop on EO applications for the Mediterranean Sea, Use of EO for Mediterranean port cities, Vasiliki Charalampopoulou, Geosystems Hellas S.A. RSCy2017, EXTRACTION OF FLOODED AREAS BY FUSING MULTI‐MODAL DATA, D. Bliziotis, C. Manesis, E. Maltezos & V. Charalampopoulou
  • 9th HELLASGIS symposium: 5D INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR SMART AND SUSTAINABLE CITIES 2016 Joint 3D Athens Conference 2016, Reconstruction of Urban Scenes using the IMAGINE UAV/ERDAS IMAGINE TOOL, Betty Charalampopoulou, GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS S.A. SPLITRS 2016-October
  • EO Open Science 2016: Use of Sentinel-1 Data for the Extraction of Flooded Areas: Test case of Evros River Basin, Greece, September 2016 FIG/World Bank Conference: Smart Cities Applications
  • Field monitoring of strong ground motion in urban areas: the Kalochori Accelerometric Network (KAN), database and Web-GIS portal” publication in Earthquake Spectra, 2017.
  • Athens DroneExpo 2016: Imagine for UAV
  • Contribution of earth observation and meteorological datasets for the design and development of a national fire risk assessment system (NFOFRAS), Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment RSCY, Paphos, Cyprus, 2016,
  • FFSIG2015, 10th EARSeL Forest Fire, Special Interest Group Workshop, Earth Observation measurements of selected Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables (ECVs): Design of an operational National Forest Fire Risk Assessment System – NFOFRAS, T. Katagis1, D. Bliziotis2, Chrysa Liantinioti2, I.Z. Gitas1, B. Charalampopoulou2, K. Themistocleous3 ( Laboratory of Forest Management and Remote Sensing, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2 GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS S.A., Athens, Greece, Cyprus Remote Sensing Society),
  • Earth Observation measurements of selected Terrestrial Essential Climate Variables (ECVs): Design of an operational National Forest Fire Risk Assessment System –NFOFRAS Conference, Athens, Greece, 2014,
  • National Forest Fire Risk Assessment System (NFOFRAS system), 8th HellasGI Conference, Athens, Greece, 2014,
  • Development of a web service for the automatic extraction of flooded areas. Test case of Evros region, Acritas an si‐cluster project, Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment RSCY, Paphos, Cyprus, 2016,
  • Airborne LiDAR and field data combination towards SSI applications at large-scale: The case of the Kalochori urban area in Greece, 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure, Chania, Greece, 2016,
  • Assessment of seismic loading on structures based on airborne Lidar data from Kalochori urban area (INDES MUSA), Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of Environment RSCY, Paphos, Cyprus, 2016,
  • The accelerometric network of the INDES-MUSA project in the Kalochori area: Configuration, Documentation and preliminary data interpretation, 14th International of the Geological Society of Greece, International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2016

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