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Urban areas are currently facing significant new and/or aggravated existing challenges due to the impacts of climate change, including increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, urban greenness loss,…


The present project proposes an application aiming at the improved quality of potato production through more efficient absorption of nutrients, a pro-environmental management of important fungal pathogens ofthe crop by…


The project aims to detect the pre-visual stages of infection of olive trees affected by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) using satellite data and Remote Sensing technics. With the use…


The ARTEMIS project aims at creating a multi-parameter service for the processing and diffusion of satellite and other data on an online platform related to the quality, health and sustainable…


The EPIPELAGIC project is a Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation project between Greece and China focused on monitoring coastal areas. The project’s main goal is to address and mitigate the effects…


The CompOlive project aims at developing an integrated technological product – management system and application that includes software development, logistics infrastructure and services. CompOlive using advanced remote sensing products, innovative…

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2024 by  blacknwhite
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