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The purpose of the PROION project is the development of a platform for the continuous monitoring of high-priority infrastructures (public infrastructure, dams, bridges, etc.) which are located in a particularly…


The aim of CO-PROTECT is to make Greece a technologically emerging power in the response to natural disasters, at a time when climate change, with the collateral pressure of the…


The STABLE project is addressing risk maps of Cultural Heritage (CH) at a medium scale, such as a block of buildings and large structures, to derive similar damage maps, by…

Indes Musa

The integrated nature of the proposed monitoring scheme will be provided by a combination of Airborne Lidar missions, mobile GNSS stations, a tide gauge and water level sensors for ground…


The National Forest Fires Risk Assessment System (NFOFRAS) is an ongoing collaborative research program for the development and continuous upgrading of a unified assessment system which estimates the annual dryness…


The research objectives of the Greek supersite are: -Long term monitoring of the area for mapping the crustal deformation and stress-strain regime, including time-varying patterns in an area that holds…

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2024 by  blacknwhite
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