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Landslide Detection using Sentinels monitoring the June 2017 disaster event in Amyntaio mine.

Operational, rapid and automatic landslide detection provides vital information for decision making and risk monitoring. Copernicus/ESA data can contribute to this topic as provide free use, efficient information, high temporal frequency, and big area cover. Multimodal approaches such a synergy of Sentinel 1 and 2 processes can lead to proper detection of landslide phenomena. In this study we proposed a synergistic landslide detection framework using Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 data and applying several change detection algorithms through Erdas Imagine software. As case study, the landslide of the Amyntaio’s mine in Greece at 10/6/2017 was selected. The landslide was rapidly and effectively detected through operational and automatic processes.



Further reading:

  • Eomag/Earsc articles:

  • 5th National Conference of Rural & Surveying engineering:

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